Fashion designer is the name of a profession that itself reflects modernity. Fashion is the art of expressing oneself to the world. To build a career as a fashion designer first one has to think about the world means what will suit others. A dedicated fashion designer’s aim can never to make dresses for a particular group of people and for that reason, the vision of a fashion person should be broad and wide. Creativity is a foremost important factor that should be present in a fashion designer who will perceive the world in a little different way than other commoners. The world is more colorful in the eyes of fashion designers.
Secondly, the spirit of a fashion designer should always be competitive, and business ideas should be clear and strong. The fashion world is always full of competition. Even though the competitive spirit is inborn but during the fashion designing course ideas about the competitions are given and a never defeating spirit is tried to be built. Thirdly, communication skills and convincing power should be good, as a fashion designer one should know how to communicate with the world it is a pivotal point. An ability to convey the purpose and meaning of a particular pattern or a style designed to the buyers is important.

The selection of a certain fabric for a dress is very important. Fashion designers are said to be bird-eyed, they could easily make difference in fabrics and colours just by looking at them. Different types of fabrics are needed for different variety of dresses and the decision of which fabric to use for a particular dress should be made after lots of research and inspection. So, one has to know about different materials and colours closely. A designer should always be spontaneous to sketch their ideas which will help to visualize a garment in fashion designing courses sketching is given importance. Ideas make designers live in the fashion world.
As mentioned above a fashion designer’s aim should be a mass of people, that is why there is no hard and fast rule that one has to maintain one style. A fashion designer is one who will explore various styles and fashions all over the world, a designer should never set limits to neither their design nor colours of their garments. The quality of the material should be maintained. As goodwill of material attracts people more than anything.
In the fashion field, practical experiences are important, fashion designer courses in Kolkata focus that besides theoretical experiences, practical work experiences should be given to students. So, they can adjust to the outer fashion world after college easily. We can conclude that a fashion designer needs artistic skill, creativity, broad vision, and a deep love for art and fashion.