Personality Of Blackfire

Blackfire has an ENTP personality type, which indicates that she is an extrovert. You can tell whether you’re an extravert if you get your energy from interacting with people. Because you are a part of the activity when you are with a group, you feel energised. Each member of the group is aware of the group’s energy. Similarly to this, participating in a solo activity makes you feel energised by your sensation of solitude.

The vitality of extroverts is felt from without. Either being alone or being around other individuals makes them feel energised. Being in a group energises extroverts, and they relish it. Because they can be independent while they are alone, they also like it.

Personality Of Blackfire

The team’s alignment is her responsibility. An ” Implementation Specialist “, Blackfire. Making sure all the specifics of an idea are carried out is the responsibility of an implementation specialist. She is in charge of making certain that the team has all the information necessary to complete the task.

She like spending time alone. She appreciates working independently and gets a boost from the feeling of solitude.

Although she is Starfire’s older sister, the two are opposed to one another since she is gloomy, cunning, dishonest, immoral, sadistic, and unremorseful, as well as possessing all the traits that make a villain. Except when she convinces Starfire into thinking she’s being nice, the two hardly ever get along. She is continually attempting to eliminate Starfire in some way, first by getting her arrested and then by attempting to wed her to an oozing alien. She enjoys sparring with her sister and showing her younger sister how superior she is by being older and stronger.

They serve as the ideal representations of sibling conflict. She always irritates Starfire and has an extremely snarky sense of humour. In addition, she is very conceited and enjoys relating anecdotes about herself. She is also incredibly attractive, and she makes the most of this while among boys.

In addition, she is very conceited and enjoys relating anecdotes about herself. She is also incredibly attractive, and she makes the most of this while among boys. When she met Robin, she developed a crush on him, as seen in the second episode, “Sisters,” and she made attempts to win his love and attention. However, this could also have been a ruse to further isolate her sister from her friends.

Relationship With Sister

Although she would frequently save Starfire when the two were younger, as described in Sisters, their bond as sisters is far from being affectionate and intimate. Instead of spending quality sisterly time with her, she would rather exploit her. She hates her sister so much that she stole a diamond from the Centauri Moon and handed it to Starfire to make the Centauri police believe that Starfire was the person they were looking for. When she was discovered, she tried to flee, but Starfire stopped her. Between the two sisters, there was a confrontation that resulted in her being arrested. In a furious tone, she pledged to exact revenge whenever she was released from prison.