Find the finest Wet Brush for your hair

You may use the Wet Brush Original Detangler Hair Brush on every type of hair anywhere in the world because it’s a game-changer! Built with ultra-soft IntelliFlex bristles, its bristles gently massage the scalp while simultaneously increasing blood flow and strengthening hair.

It’s made to make hair less prone to breakage and split ends while also providing pain relief. As a result, you can use less force when brushing your hair to avoid causing damage to your hair. The brush is truly ground-breaking, as it cuts through tangles without damaging the hairs in any way. As a result, you’ll be able to choose from a number of brush kinds and colours, including plush, flat, round, and professional, among many others.

IntelliFlex’s Wet Bristle Brush IntelliFlex’s advantages

Each brush is equipped with IntelliFlex, which helps to disentangle knots while causing the least amount of damage or irritation. To get rid of those stubborn knots, you won’t have to keep tugging at your ends, and the bristles are not likely to come out or break while you do so.

The scalp is stimulated by this method

In order to achieve maximum penetration of the scalp, the bristles have been lengthened and equipped with a little bead. To get the product into your hair follicles, simply massage it into your scalp in circular motions.


The Wet Brush is more comfortable to use than other popular brushes on the market, especially when dealing with tight tangles. I have no doubt that women with long hair will be able to relate to what I’m saying. Because they don’t break or split the hair, these bristles don’t cause any harm to your tresses.


Gentle and thin bristles will aid those who frequently wear hair extensions or wigs. There is no risk of damaging your natural or synthetic hair with regular usage of these products.

Hair with a lot of volume

With thick hair, brushing can be a challenging task even if you’ve just come out of the shower. You can choose from a wide range of paddle brushes and colours to match your personal style with the Wet Brushes.

Comb and Wet Brush: What Are the Differences?

When was the last time you used a wet brush? A comb composed of tough plastic can’t make a mistake. Hard plastic teeth lose way completely when they come into touch with tangles and knots. The only angle to consider when approaching a tangle with a comb is from the side. When combing your hair, be careful not to apply too much pressure on it, since this could cause it to become damaged. As opposed to a Dry Brush, a Wet Brush has softer bristles. As a result, they feel solid yet not too solid. When tackling a knot or tangle, there are many various approaches the brush might take to get rid of it. At the end of the day, it detangles your hair by working in all directions. Your hair won’t be damaged or tangled by the flexible bristles, which are gentle on your locks. Bristles separate fine hair tangles and knots better than normal brush bristles. With this brush, you can assist alleviate pain while also preserving your hair from split ends and damage. Allowing you to brush with less force, resulting in less damage to your hair, is how this is achieved.