13 Hilarious April Fools Pranks (costume related)

Do you have a hard time coming up with April Fool’s pranks that will get your family and friends laughing? Wearing a funny costume for April Fools Day is an easy way to surprise people, no matter what the occasion. From comical deer costumes to outrageous wigs, we’ve come up with 13 hilarious costume pranks that are sure to generate plenty of laughs this April! If you want some inspiration on how you can make everyone smile this holiday, look no further than our list of the best (and funniest) april fools costumes ideas.

One – Turn up to a party dressed as the opposite gender: This is one of the oldest April Fool’s pranks in the book, but still packs a great punch! Make sure you go all-out with your costume and have fun with it – pick out an outfit that plays to traditional gender roles and stereotypes.

Two – Scare your friends by wearing a spooky mask: If you’re feeling particularly adventurous, dress up in a scary costume and mask and hide in the shadows, waiting to jump out at unsuspecting friends when they least expect it!

Three – Dress up as your favourite historical figure: Show off your extensive knowledge of history by dressing up like Cleopatra or Julius Caesar.

Four – Put on a silly wig for the day: Go for something outrageous like Frida Kahlo’s iconic flower crown or a bright pink afro wig.

Five – Wear mismatched clothing for a true clown look: It’s always funny when someone shows up looking ridiculous without any explanation. 

Six – Become an “alien visitor” with crazy makeup: The sky’s the limit when it comes to creating an alien persona — use wild face paint, glitter, stickers and other craft supplies to transform yourself into something truly out of this world!

Seven – Try a “human statue” prank: Stand perfectly still in one spot while wearing some sort of costume – then wait until someone notices you before moving again! It could take a while, but it will definitely surprise them once they do notice you!

Eight – Transform into a superhero or villain: Pick your favourite heroic or villainous character from comic books or movies and slip into their persona for the day – complete with appropriate accessories such as masks, capes and costumes of course!

Nine – Dress up as different characters throughout the day: For extra laughs, keep changing outfits throughout the day so that no two encounters are alike – think Alice in Wonderland meets Dr Seuss meets Frankenstein mashed together into one hilarious mess!

Ten – Pretend to be an animal: Donning an animal costume is always fun – grab a furry onesie and act out typical animal behaviour (like meowing like a cat) for extra hilarity points!

Eleven – Create chaos with multiple costume changes within minutes: Throw everyone off guard by changing costumes several times within minutes—just make sure you don’t lose track of which outfit is which so nobody can accuse you of cheating at April Fools Day pranks!

Twelve – Trade places with someone else: Get creative by swapping costumes with someone else during the event—this is sure to create confusion. 

Thirteen – Upgrade classic character outfits with modern touches: Take classic characters like King Arthur or Snow White and give them modern updates—think hipster knight armour paired with skinny jeans instead of matching tights and tunic, or punk rock princess dresses complete with Doc Martens boots instead of dainty glass slippers.


These April Fool’s Day pranks are sure to get a rise out of anyone. Happy pranking! For all your costume needs, check out bigpartyoz.com!